For more information, please contact the Ilo-Vollmer Historical Society, Box 61, Craigmont, Idaho 83523 or Shelley Kuther, skuther@camasnet.com  208-790-7890 or Byron Bovey, bdbovey@wildblue.net  208-924-7336.

Lawrence, Albert D. Jr.
Lawrence, Albert H.
Lawrence, Ellen A.
Lawrence, Emma Pinkham
Lawrence, Infant Boy
Lawrence, John G.
Lawrence, Kizzie
Lawrence, Maria
Lawrence, Norma A.
Lawrence, Osias
Lawrence, Richard Keith
Lawrence, Thea R.
Lawrence, William Jr.
Lawyer, Albert F.
Lawyer, Mira M.
Lawyer, Philip
Listimning, Sarah
Lott, Clotilda
Lowry, Joseph
Lowry, Lucy Half Moon
Lowry, Michael C.
Luke, Annie



If you have any records, photos, family information, etc., we would love for you to share.  Or if you have questions or suggestions, please drop me a line. 

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